Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Haiku for you

Our sun, working harder every day to actually have a presence among us!

Courtesy of Wikipedia:
Haiku is a kind of Japanese poetry. It was given this name in the late 19th century by a man named Masaoka Shiki by a combination of the older hokku (発句?) and the haikai (or verses) in haikai no renga. Haiku, when known as hokku were the opening verses of a linked verse form, haikai no renga. In Japanese, hokku and haiku are traditionally printed in one vertical line (though in handwritten form they may be in any reasonable number of lines). In English, haiku are written in three lines to equate to the three parts of a haiku in Japanese that traditionally consist of five, seven, and then five on (the Japanese count sounds, not syllables; for example, the word "haiku" itself counts as three sounds in Japanese, but two syllables in English, and writing seventeen syllables in English produces a poem that is actually quite a bit longer, with more content, than a haiku in Japanese). The kireji (cutting word or pause) usually comes at the end of either the first or second line. A haiku traditionally contains a kigo (season word) representative of the season in which the poem is set, or a reference to the natural world.

And now, hopefully for your entertainment, I present late-winter haiku, in the English tradition, by Mel:

Mean, wonderful day.
Tease me with such warmth and shine,
Then yank them away.

Wet, wet, falling rain,
Puddles, lakes where there were none.
What shall flood today?

Weary of cooking,
Pondering yet one more meal…
Ugh—what can I make?

Had tomatoes, but
They were store-bought, hence no taste.
How I miss homegrown!

There sits the yard/swamp,
Melted igloo, dead brown muck.
We used to play there.

I know it is true—
To be grateful, one must miss
The *star we so love.

*the sun, of course!

It’s coming, people! Hang in there! And please remind me of the same!!!


Anonymous said...


Your haiku inspired me to find the haiku I wrote when we were in the Worst Wing. Here it is:

Friends and coworkers
that is what we are, cell mates
No walls, little space

Good times, good times.

Mel said...

and with that, you inspired this in me:

oh, the memories
and the bitter, bitter taste—
bile in my mouth.

Anonymous said...

I can't take credit for this one -- it came to me via e-mail from a friend -- but I've saved it for years.

A Guru Haiku
I am rich, I'm poor
I am great, I am annoyed
I am self-employed.

by Keith Levin, graphic designer, Huntington Beach, CA

Mel said...

the cost of penning a silly little poem: $0

being able to chuckle about situations that, if permitted, could drive you to heartburn and violence: priceless!